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How do Parents combat Tobacco Addiction in Children?

Tobacco (Smoking) or Alcohol Addiction Tobacco (Smoking) or Alcohol Addiction are perhaps the two most significant drug addictions in children and adolescents.  Smoking and alcohol, though “legal”, are often considered “gateway” drugs; both can lead to other illegal drug usage, such as marijuana and other illegal drugs. Research indicates that children and adolescents who smoke […]

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Why is Parenting Education important?

Because children acquire the abilities to become responsible, caring adults and citizens of their society from the people who are most intensely involved with them, parenting is the most important and challenging job any of us can have; yet, it receives little support or recognition in our society.  There is very little formal training for […]

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Grades/Marks do more Harm than Good !

For decades, grades have been the primary form of communicating and reflecting student mastery. A myth that has taken hold, but ironically no one thinks grades are able to communicate learning with any sort of accuracy or consistency. Teachers feel compelled to “grade,” (the verb form) any and all student work, believing that a letter […]