Do you have the correct definition of LOVE? I believe that it just means with no strings attached. Well, you are so ready to give anything possible to your child, even beyond those cute special dresses, shoes, chocolates, toys and happy outings. You are already looking out on the internet, to find an answer to an ever-nagging question: “Will I make my kid THE BEST one?
You are learning to make “flash” cards. Choosing the little one’s favorite words and meticulously calling them out, making newer ones…..Then comes a comment (read ‘shocked reaction’) from a close relative with an astonished look: “What ARE you doing to him??? Are you MAD? Why don’t you leave him alone? Anyway, the poor thing has to put up with all this very soon, when he goes to school…..You and I, did we not come the “normal” way and aren’t we just fine and happy…?”