Experiential Webinars Sessions with Parents

These Webinars make the sessions alive with the usage of audio-visual aids and activities, producing desired results. Sessions are highly interactive and driven by the needs of the participants

Values are not taught they are caught”. Media has become the 3rd parent but probably the most powerful. With the time constraints being experienced by Parents and children alike; and the impregnation of our personal life by social media and gadgets, Value systems are crumbling. This session provides parents with access and actions they can take to inculcate and nurture values and habits in children

Values are not taught they are caught”. Media has become the 3rd parent but probably the most powerful. With the time constraints being experienced by Parents and children alike; and the impregnation of our personal life by social media and gadgets, Value systems are crumbling. This session provides parents with access and actions they can take to inculcate and nurture values and habits in children

We normally operate from “we know why our child is doing or saying what he is doing and saying”. More often than not our way of managing that doesn’t work. It’s like a doctor giving you medicines from his thinking and feeling of what’s happened to you without diagnosing. This session provides you with the tool to ‘understand your child – his feelings and thoughts’

The most chaotic and yet critical years, not only for the teenagers, but for their parents too. This session builds a powerful context and provides access to parents in breaking the myth called “generation gap”, thus creating a much need and sort after bond between parents and their teenagers.

As human beings we experience pleasant unpleasant emotions all the time simultaneously. Raising EQ is as important as IQ, thus as a parent, our role is to empower our children with emotions by providing ‘Emotional Literacy’. This session will empower parents with tools and means for supporting children in
a. Identifying their emotions
b. Talking about feelings
c. Managing emotions.

Strictly Private and Confidential
The opinions that we have for our children shape the way a child thinks about him/herself. Come discover with us how self esteem determines the course of a child’s life and how can we nurture it. Or rather, how can we undo the damage we (as parents) and the external environment causes to a child’s self esteem

Sibling bonding is every parents dream – but we end up being the “referee” all the time. Trying to be as neutral in dealing with their alteractions and fights, and yet being blamed for bias! From fights to they being their best buddies, that the promise of this session.

Week day morning are dreadful! – not just for the parents but for children too. Early mornings are like a war zone. It’s like everyone is in a Mission mode – rushed, tensed, anxious. How about having ease, grace, peace and fun while your child is getting ready for school! Join in for making this a reality at your home with your children. Thousands of parents are enjoying their weekday mornings post this session.

This is one of the most critical role of a parent. The following series of sessions can be attended as stand alone. But the combination creates a whole world of making children responsible

a. Getting children to cooperate willingly:

This session will focus on creating “Win – Win situations” between parents and children. This session will equip parents with specific skills on how to discuss situations together with children as one team and come on a common resolution rather than threatening or scolding them

b. Ways to substitute punishment

Parents tend to punish the child out of their helplessness and due to their own conditioning as a child. This session will break the myth of “punishment is necessary for disciplining the child” facilitate ways and means on how to inculcate self discipline in children. By the end of this session, parents will also understand how to make their children responsible for themselves

c. Problem solving/Enhancing family bonding/Let’s work out together

This session will facilitate parents in one of the most successful technique of ‘working out together’. This technique will support parents in achieving what they ideally want with their children, i.e., arriving on an amicable solution together which would be acceptable to parents as well as children by means of discussion and brainstorming.

With the ever increasing options to eat (at home and outside), maintaining good eating habits of children is becoming tougher. This is not a workshop on nutrition but helps you understand the reasons what makes children want junk food. It provides you with tools to resolve food related issues with your children.

Internet, mobile phones, games-every child wants it and every parent doesn’t want it! Why? Because these hamper studies, concentration, eye sight! We shall help you leverage technology for the benefit of your child. And give the parents tools to help them and their children manage their screen time at acceptable levels!! That’s the promise of this intervention!

Children at all ages throw tantrums. These times don’t just difficult but even ugly. Not only the environment gets vitiated, the relationship with our children too gets tarnished. Moreover children start using their tantrums to force us to do it their way. We as parents at times have to give in to stuff we know is harmful / damaging for them. This session take you through the process of dismantling tantrums and brings in peace and love even in those tantrum moments!!

Failure is the only way to grow! The workshop changes the way the parents relate to their own failures and those of their children. Embracing failure thus leads to fearless children who are unstoppable in life!

We all have been saying to our children “Study for a better future” and we all have experienced that most of the concepts we learnt at school are not being utilized in our daily lives. Our children see that and even know that. This session supports you in creating powerful REASON for studying which not just compels but ATTRACTS children towards studies!

‘Boring’, ‘curfew’, ‘painful’- these are some of the adjectives children associate with studies and exams. We support parents in making studies ‘fun’ in a way that makes the child fall in love with learning. So no more running after children to make them study!

In today’s high pressure environment, the choice between being a ‘great’ parent and having a ‘great’ career is not just stressful but leaves most of us unfulfilled. The workshop shifts the context of parenting and provides real life strategies to create quality time in your current schedule.

53% of children go through Sexual Abuse. (This is the reported no.) In our experience 85% of children go through it. The only way to protect our children is to educate and empower them to protect themselves!

The session coaches how parents can have the following conversations with their children – as early as 2/3 years

a. What is Sex Education

b. Why should children know about it

c. Knowing and naming our body parts by their CORRECT biological name

d. What is sexual abuse

e. Safe and Unsafe Touch

f. How can they protect themselves in case they are facing such a situation

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A2/72, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi 110029

Disclaimer : We ensure complete confidentiality of our participants. The names, age, contact details or any other personal information is neither shared nor discussed outside the company, which could lead to any identification of the participants, without the written permission of the participants.
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